Empowering individuals of all ages and abilities to have a go at cycling with three wheels.
We stock a wide range of custom e-trikes and manual trikes which are high spec, and available for rentals and purchasing.
These trikes are a breeze to ride, with their easy access controls, seat, and framing. Our e-trikes feature a throttle, which makes them accessible to individuals who don’t have the functional control for pedals. Take one for a test ride!
In partnership with Milner Mobility, we supply Van Raam bikes and trikes into New Zealand.
In partnership with Sport NZ’s Tū Manawa fund and Sport Waikato, Ride Your Trike NZ runs a programme called ‘Try a Trike’ — introducing adaptive bikes and trikes to schools in the Waikato. This programme is fully funded for schools
Ride your Trike NZ visits schools to showcase different adaptive bikes to your students and overcome the hurdle of knowing which type of adaptive bike is right for them. Our mission is to show kids with physical or mental challenges that they can have fun and get active on a bike.
Our founder, Liam has cerebral palsy, he has experienced independence while riding trikes that has been life changing. He can now get anywhere around Hamilton independently. His experiences sparked a passion for helping other people get active, and to have a go and to ‘Try a Trike’.
With guidance from our coaches the students learn:
· Introduction to cycling and safety
· Practice biking skills on various adaptive bikes
· Improved confidence and sense of belonging in group and whanau cycle riding
· Information on where to rent and buy adaptive bikes
We love being out in the community, connecting with people. Regularly, the Ride Your Trike NZ team runs and attends events across the Waikato.
Check out this montage from one of our recent events, ASPIRE: Community Showcase!
One of our Ride Your Trike NZ campaigns is called Get off the Footpath!
This campaign asks government, police, and councils to enforce the law on parking a vehicle on a footpath or bike lane.
Parking on a footpath or bike lane causes a massive mobility issue when you’re trying to fit past in a wheelchair, trike, or using other mobility equipment. Having to navigate onto the road to get around the vehicle can be dangerous when considering oncoming traffic, posing a risk of being injured or hurt.
Liam started a petition online which has gathered close to 6,000 signatures; and has been interviewed by 1 News and FairGo on this issue, which featured a news article, and was broadcasted to national TV. You can watch the segment down below.
A message from Liam:
I am Liam Carter, and I’m 17 year old, living with cerebral palsy. Walking has always been a challenge for me. My journey with trikes began at the age of 5. The ability to ride my trike and experience newfound independence has been truly life-changing. Today, I can independently explore every corner of Hamilton.
My passion for helping others lead active lives is what led me to start Ride Your Trike NZ. Many people, due to disability, age, or the need for stability, can’t easily ride a traditional two-wheel bike. That’s why we believe trikes and alternative bikes are fantastic options. Ride Your Trike NZ is here to introduce these individuals to the joy of biking, all without the need for a significant investment in their own adaptive bike or trike.
Here’s our team!
We have Liam who is the founder of Ride Your Trike NZ. Kylee and Mike are our business mentors. Shelly and Mary oversee our funding and accounts. Gordon manages our programmes such as Try a Trike. Sarah is involved with our graphics.
The Great Rides App simplifies your cycling experience, letting you track your position using GPS, explore key trail stops with photos and descriptions, access elevation profiles for trail sections, and find trike-related services — all in one straightforward app on your device.
In partnership with NZ Cycle Trail, the Great Rides App is your go-to guide for a hassle free ride.
Empowering individuals of all ages and abilities to have a go at cycling with three wheels.